Saturday, July 28, 2012

Menu Planning Made EASY!

I was having the worst time, while working a 40 hour week + and then some, to shop, prepare, and cook my meals….so here is my solution to that problem!

I use Outlook and Pinterest.

As I find recipes I post them to my pinterest…or simply use yours, if you have them on the internet.  Smile

I created a new calendar, and named it “Menu Planning”



Then I created a new appointment for Lunch lets say:


Notice the location….I simply pasted the page that has the recipe there.

Notice I said to remind me 1 day ahead….so I remember to purchase, or cook if I need to.

In the note area, I copy pasted some notes….

Notice the “recurrence” is used….


I wanted to “cycle” this recipe each week, on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays….

I could have said recur every 2 weeks…..

or monthly..

or when Thanksgiving or Christmas get’s here…I will have some that reoccur yearly….

Or I had a mess on my birthday, because my dear hubby purchased a bakery cake…carrot, my favorite………..which I did not have the will power to pass up.  So, next year, I will have my Nutritarian cake listed for this day.  This will be a once a year item.

Get the idea? 




I schedule in my hubby, so he knows what’s for dinner!


Many Many options for printing for the refrigerator, or datebooks or shopping lists!


If you have any questions at all, just comment below and I will help you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I can’t eat this way for life!  BUT I am committed to six weeks!  I had to do something..

I started looking up recipes.  Even began posting them on my Pinterest site.  Saved me!

I have finding that I have to cook very differently.  Off shopping!


Oil Free Dried Sun Tomatoes
Sun dried Tomato Powder
Asian Garlic Chili sauce
Ground sesame seeds
Tahini (sesame paste)
Sesame seeds
Miso lowest sodium, look at south river brand
Unsweetened Cherry Butter
Red Lintels
Unsweetened Coconut
Nutritional  Yeast

Will let you know!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

On to Reno!

Well my dear Sister and hubby came to spend time with us in Oregon.  Hubby was miserable after 5 days of the coast.  The dampness really bothered his arthritis. So off we went from 58 degree weather to 110…Crazy. 

Now, I was having a problem.  I could not cook my own food, so….. we visited coffee shops and for breakfast was eating oatmeal raisins and nuts.  I also ordered a fresh bowel of fruit to eat with it.

Lunch and dinner was a challenge.  but I handled it with salads and my dressing (had one more left!) and for dinner, steamed veggies and fruit bowels. Not the best but not the worst choices.  Still, really not a problem!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Uncle Floyd came and visited us at the cottage.  I had brought my vita-mix and new instant pot.  Each time everyone was hungry, I made smoothies, just before I put in the spinach, I had everyone sample.  They loved it, so they joined me in eating smoothies!  We found the best mix of frozen fruit at a store named Fred Meyers.  It had strawberry's, grapes, pineapple and mangoes! 


Vacation Smoothies:

1 C Blue Diamond Almond Milk – Coconut flavored
2 C frozen fruit mix (strawberry's, grapes, pineapple and mangoes)
1 T Flax
2 Banana’s
As much spinach as I could get in the blender


Tonight Uncle Floyd and Larry had steaks, baked potatoes with all the trimmings and salad.  I had, veggie burger (without the bun) sweet potatoes baked on the grill, and my huge salad.

Visited a local casino, and choose to drink a diet coke.

Not finding it a problem with my new life style!