Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nutritarian: Oatmeal Cookies, Sour Cream

Oatmeal Cookies

oatmeal cookies


I decided to start with a cookie today!  Don't ask :)

My inspiration for the cookie came from Hubbie wanting oatmeal cookies.  So here goes!  3 mashed bananas, make sure hey are good and ripe....I had two, and had to steal from the freezer in my yonana bag...sadly...

The first batch, I used a ice cream scoop, bad idea....they never flattened.  So I flattened them and put them in for 5 more minutes.  Yum, but you are going to have to wait on a photo!


Those of you who know my hubbie, know, that he is the pickiest eater alive….I refer to him as “mikey”


He has ate almost 1/3 of the cookies…simply amazing.  First thing he says “is it your food”.  I say, “No, it’s our food.  Bananas, applesauce, oats, raisins, coconut, pecans, milk, vanilla and cinnamon”  What part of that will you not eat?  Stay away from them honey, on second thought it IS my food.”  Well, “mikey”   visited us again.

So now here comes the 25 year old son…..Did dad eat it?  Yes, he did….1/2 of what was left,  went out the door with him on  fishing trip. 



3 soft bananas

1/3 C Applesauce, unsweetened

2 Cups of Old Fashion Oats

1/4 C Almond Milk

1/2 C Raisins

1/2 C Unsweetened Coconut

1/2 C Slivered pecans

1 vanilla bean scraped

1 t of cinnamon

Use spoon and flatten  on silicon mat.

Substitutions:  Christine, is trying this by swapping out the applesauce for pineapple.  She will get back to us, with results…sounds wonderful!


Now, you must remember, I am not a photographer!  My pan was clean and so was my mat, I took this after the first batch….



Bake at 350 for 15 - 20 minutes

Now of course, you could swap out the vanilla bean with 1 t vanilla...I am just funny trying to use all natural foods in my diet.  They are cooking now...I am having a hard time keeping my spoon out of the batter....




I am so excited...eating this way, not only has me off all my maintenance drugs, but I have lost 29 lbs as of today. If you enjoy my posts, please please click the follow me button to the right (I think) and please take the time to comment. Tell me what you like and what you don't! Now, as typical, I will go ahead and post this page, and continue to edit it all through this weekend.





Sour Cream


Ok!  Now on to “Sour Cream”.  I used up all mine this week, and I am so missing it.  I love this on just about anything.   Addicted to Veggies blog, by  Caution. Please follow Gloria’s directions EXACTLY.  I did not have quite enough cashews and tried to adjust the water accordingly and failed.  Tasted like sour cream, but the texture was off.  So, today….I am prepared to follow Gloria’s directions and hints  EXACTLY….. as she stress’s in her blog.


Soaking first…1 3/4 C of Cashews in 2 cups of water…now the wait, 6 to 8 hours….




Cashews are so good in any sauce.  Sometimes when I need to make my soups thick, or creamy, I will put 1/3 of the soup in my Vita Mix along with about a cup of Cashews.  I tell you!  It tastes like I have added cream.

I have a little 3 cup food processor…this recipe is too large for it.  So talk about a mess, started in the food processor, you can see it in the photo, it’s black, just to the right of the Mason Jar of Sour Cream, then finished in the Vita Mix.   The next time, I am going to make it in my Vita Mix, I think it will be fine.  All Done!  Tastes great.  I will not know if the texture is correct until it sits in the refrigerator for one hour.

Do you see my Vita Mix, I think it is near 20 years old, not sure…I took this puppy every time we camped at Pismo, CA as my son was growing up.  See the chip on it…still works like new.  Love that baby.  Best purchase in the kitchen I have ever made…with the exception of my chest freezer that WILL NOT BREAK.  This weekend is going to be nice, as Hubby has finally consented to replacing the chest freezer (manual defrost).  I bet you know what I am going to bring home!  After this ordeal with my baby food processor, ya think I could get him to go down that isle?


  1. THANKYOU so very much for such great pictures! I love them! It so helps to know how it should look, I'll have to try these...they sure sound delicious! :)

  2. Oh, and it was fun to see that 'ol commercial again...I sometimes too have a ~Mikey~ mentality in the 'new~food' process...;)

  3. Oh thank you for your time, with the comment. It put's a smile on my face, when someone takes the time to leave a comment, when they visit. Thank you SandyKay!
